Authors Unbound
Welcome to Authors Unbound, our podcast connecting passionate writers with passionate readers. You can find it on any podcast platform. Here are quick links to two of the most popular listening options.

We love authors, books, and readers – and bringing all of them into conversation with each other. That is what we try to do with our podcast, co-hosted by Patrick Davis and Peter Campion.
While we often highlight the people and works Unbound Edition Press publishes, we also have great conversations with other authors we admire, like Wayne Koestenbaum, Randall Mann, D.A. Powell, or C.T. Salazar. Some of these special episodes are already released and others are still in production. If you would like to discuss being on Authors Unbound, you can reach out to us here.
Our abiding goal is to host meaningful literary conversations, regardless of genre or subject matter. We like to discuss craft, the writerly life, and the challenges and rewards of making a book. Ours is not a typical book promotion podcast. It is intended as a space to engage in real, informed, and meaningful discussions about the importance of living and working in a literary community.
You can find Authors Unbound on any podcast platform. Two of the most popular destinations for our episodes are Apple and Spotify.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to the exceptional production team at BrandCrumbs. They make us sound our very best on each episode.