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Peter Campion, ed.

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Peter Campion is the author of Radical as Reality: Form and Freedom in American Poetry; four collections of poems, Other People, The Lions, El Dorado, and One Summer Evening at the Falls; as well as several monographs and catalog essays on modern and contemporary visual art. A recipient of the Guggenheim Fellowship and the Joseph Brodsky Rome Prize, he teaches in the writing program at the University of Minnesota and serves as Executive Editor for Unbound Edition Press. 

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What a fabulous thing it is to have an anthology that's also a gorgeous art object. There's nothing else like this right now. And it's amazing to me how, even in troubling times, these poems, stories, essays, (imaginary) reviews, photographs and audiopoems register as promising and heartening signs of the indomitable vigor of contemporary writing at its best. I mean that the form feels so right, as if the strength in diversity has busted loose all binding constraints.